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Arman Mikaelyan: "Before this decisive game, I had a bad sleep at night."

Sep 26, 2017, 9:56:33 AM


Interview with one of the current leaders of Yerevan Open Arman Mikaelyan

First of all accept my congratulations on your victory. Please tell us about today’s victory over GM Ivan Rozum.

Thank you for congratulations. It was very difficult game. I tried to get some advantage right from the opening, but my opponent defended very well and managed to equalize, but the position remained very sharp and we both were in time trouble. I decided to exchange the queens, after that position transferred into endgame where I had little advantage. Here he made several mistakes and I was able to use them and won the game.

After this round you and GM Karen Grigoryan started to lead the table again. Is it difficult to maintain position of leader?

Two rounds still have to be played. And everything is still ahead. It is difficult to hold first place than to get to that place. I will try to play last rounds very well by all means and achieve good result.

Due to this victory your live rating is 2500, and in the 88th FIDE Congress you will receive the title of GM. What you feel now?

Before the game I calculated that if I win I will get 2500 so I did my best.

Knowing that by winning the game you would get 2500, was this an additional pressure for you?

Yes, I was very nervous. I slept very badly. The pressure was high, but I was trying to control my feelings.

Maybe this was also a motivation for you?

Yes, this motivated me.

After completing, let’s say main goal for the tournament, maybe last two rounds you will play without getting nervous?

I will try to play more concentrated. Nothing is decided. Maybe this will help.

Could you imagine that you will gain 26 points of elo after 7 rounds?

I hoped that I will play well, but of course I could not imagine that I will have six points after 7 rounds and would gain so much eli points.

Generally do you like to play in Yerevan?

Yes I like to play in my home town and play հere with very high mood. I always try to have good performance. I prefer to play in Yerevan than anywhere else. I am very glad that Yerevan Open is very well organized and everything is in high level.